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DOBSON HOUSE Hospice of the Valley
Mesa, AZ

Dobson House Hospice of the Valley provides personalized services and a caring community so that patients and families can attain the necessary preparation for a death that is satisfactory to them. 

This hospice offers a comprehensive program of care to patients and families facing a life threatening illness. Patients have made a decision to spend their last months in a homelike setting

Dobson House was designed around an existing 80 year old house.  Additions and changes were completed to the rear of the house.  Roof profiles were kept low to maintain the look and feel of the house in the front elevations.

Since the patient and family are both included in the care plans our designs include areas for emotional, spiritual and practical support – grieving areas, gardens and entertainment/recreational facilities

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Dobson House Hospice of the Valley
Mesa, AZ

City of Chandler Architectural Merit Award being presented to John Eden by the Mayor of Chandler

"Dreams Made Real"


Phone: 480.827.9932 - Toll Free 1.800.488.2849
Licensed in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico and Minnesota
Copyright © 2005  Eden Architects, LLC.  All rights reserved